Friday, January 06, 2012

Day After Disaster

We let Josie stay up late Christmas night so she could play with her toys and I didn't have to go to work. However, Daddy did, and so Josie decided to get up when he did. But she let Mommy lay in bed for a while. When we got up and got our breakfast ate, we went down to start on half of the aftermath from two days of Christmas and not being home.
I started a tradition a long time ago of taking a photo of it all piled up. We've never had the time to deal with any of it over the two days so the following week after is dealing with getting it all put away and getting all clothes washed.
So here's half of our aftermath. The other half is spread all over the upstairs!
Josie showing her new baby.

When I got through some things and went to start the laundry, this is what I found.

I guess Josie had been helping while I was still in bed and had gotten all of her clothes out of boxes/bags and put them in the washing machine! This kid is hilarious!!!

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