Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eads Family~Bloomington, Indiana~ Family Photography~Dreams Do Come True Photography

I had the pleasure of going over to Nathan & Whitney's home and taking a family portrait and some singles. Their kids are adorable!!! And full of energy. Talked to me as if they have known me their whole lives. I love kids that way! It makes it easier to get the photos.
Here is a sneak peek of some photos from that session. Enjoy!

I'm almost finished Mom with proofing your portraits. You should have your gallery up some time tomorrow.
Thank you for a great time!

Friday, May 21, 2010

MacKenzie & Mason~Bloomington, Indiana~Child Photographer~Dreams Do Come True Photography

Wednesday evening I went and took MacKenzie & Mason's photos for Terri. We had a blast. The kids picked out their outfits and they had several. We would take some photos, I would tell them to go change and move on to the next. I was really surprised with Mason. He is always so backwards with me but he did GREAT!!! And MacKenzie was the perfect little model.
Now we need to get the family one Terri!!!
Here's a sneak peak!!! Enjoy!

Your gallery will be up soon.
a friend posed this question today on her facebook wall: what is holding you back from booking a family photo session?quite a few women (moms) quickly commented that their weight is holding them back, which made me really sad. and a few posted money, which i understand but i also believe that there’s enough photographers out there to cover everybody’s budget.this all led me to thinking about the perfect time.
is there ever a perfect time to have photographs taken of your family?
it’s so easy to say –i’m too fat.i have too much going on.we’re too busy.maybe next year.but i just want to say STOP IT! we need to take the time to appreciate the value of family photos, if not for ourselves (because we’re too fat or whatever), then for our children. in 20 years, your children are not going to say,i really love this photo of my family but i wish my mom had waited until she lost some weight.
we never know what tomorrow will bring our way. and life is quickly racing by; before we know it, our kids will be grown and leaving the house.NO, THERE IS NO PERFECT TIME.i hope that this will inspire someone, who might be waiting for that perfect time or to lose a couple of pounds, to book a photographer…today!and let us all try to slow down, remember what’s important and see and hear the everyday beauty that surrounds us.
Took this to heart myself and handed my camera over to my sister to take our family photo. It was most definately not perfect, but it is us! Flaws and all!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Barrow Family~Family Photographer~Bloomington, Indiana~Dreams Do Come True Photography

This past Tuesday, I was able to go finish up the "B" family shoot with Daddy included in these. Here's a little sneak peak of the session.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

We started out celebrating Mother's Day at home. Mike & Josie got me a massage at Spaah. Then they went and got McDonald's. Josie slept in late so we didn't make it to church. By the time she got up it was 9:30. Mikey threw her coat on her and took her to McD's in her jammies to get Mommy breakfast.
Then we went to Granny Glodyne's and had Mother's Day/Dad's Birthday.

We got Mom a gift card to Lowe's so she can go buy herself more flowers.

Aunt "Emmie" & Josie

Me & the Girls went for a ride in the Model A with Papa. Josie hadn't actually taken a ride in it yet. I tried to get a photo of the girls in the backseat together but they wouldn't cooperate.

"Bubby" helping Josie climb the hill behind Granny's.

I had Michelle take our photo. It turned out okay. Better than our "Sear's" portrait. More us!!!

We left Granny's to head to Louise's and the poor kid, just sacked out. She had played hard with her cousins. Once we got to Louise's, I let her sleep a little while but everyone was wanting to see her and they had to leave. So I woke her up and all she did was cling to me. I think they got a few smiles and by the time Aunt Sandy, Bobbie & Rachel left, they got some hugs.

We got Grandma Jones a gift card to Borders cause she loves to read.

Trying to get a black olive, even though she didn't like them when Papa Mike gave them to her.

Random Photos from Mother's Day~Dreams Do Come True Photo

Just thought I would post some random photos from Mother's Day weekend, with lunch spent at Granny Glodyne's.
And it was also Papa Doug's birthday, which we got him a standout collage frame of his car.

Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Birthday Dad!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chocolate & Baseball!

Josie Loves to "swing-swing". And she is also going through the sunglass phase. We have to have sunglasses on. She only has 4 or 5 pairs. These glasses are "ike Daddies".
Mr. Levi has to be right there with us, no matter where we are in the yard. He is really good with Josie. He has had many a tail pulling and nose poking. But he just stands there and takes it. I hope he is around for a while so that she will get to actually play with him. But the poor old guy is pushing 7 and already turning grey!
Saturday night while the boys were hunting, Josie & I met Penny & Abby at the library. This was Josie's first trip. She came home with 4 books and 3 DVD's. She seemed to enjoy herself. After we were done there we went and ate at Cafe Pizzeria. Then went and walked around Kirkwood. I've wanted to do that for a long time but have never done it. I would like to go do it more because Josie had fun and I saw stuff we didn't even know we had.
And I got some photos of our little camera ham! Her personality is really starting to come out. It is so hilarious, I can see Mike & I both in her. And some things, I wonder if we were that funny when we were little.
Case in point! Here's "Miss Thing" strutting her stuff!
Trying to walk backwards like Abby was doing. By the time we left she was getting pretty good at it.
And then Mommy's Little Cover Model. She was copying Abby & Penny posing and being silly. Hey she might have a career in this! Maybe I need to research that a little more.
This was Mommy's first Monday home. I am now taking Monday's off permanently to spend some more time with Josie. We went out and played today. I tried to wash the porch off and my little helper kept getting in front of the hose. She was soaked by lunchtime and we had to change clothes before she could nap. Aw! The days of summer!!!
Eating crackers and playing in water! Yummy combination.
After nap she found the hat from winter that I had washed to give back to Michelle. It was everything I could do to convince her she didn't need it on to go outside.
This kid and her french fries. I was fixing our supper outside. (so nice to not have a greasy smelling house) She kept insisting that she wanted a french fry. Wouldn't wait until I cooked them so I gave her a frozen one. It took her a little while but she ate them and I didn't have to listen to "ench fry" over and over. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do to keep your sanity!

When Daddy got home, we went and picked up Mama Carole and went to Danny Smith to watch Riley play baseball.
She is most definately like her Mommy! Give me a doughnut anytime of day! I think she and I ate a whole pack this night. :-)
Of course in between doughnuts we had to ride our "or-eeler".
And this is what happens when they are all gone. Don't worry baby! Mommy wants to cry when all her chocolate is gone too, just ask your Daddy.
Shortly after this photo was taken, she thought no one was watching so she snatched the bag of Oreo's out of the cabinet and took off. I don't know why she always wants those anyway, all she does is lick the icing out of the center and then give you the cookies telling you she doesn't "ike them".
Instead she had to settle for her yogurt.
We were going to go watch Kayla play her ball game but it was way too cold. So only I went. I would have to say this is funnier to watch then basketball. We had kids trying to slide, we had collisions. We had bats thrown and about 5 kids were run after one ball. Way too funny!!! Can't wait until it's Josie's turn.